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Heroic Coast Guard And Navy Teams Save Lives In Tense Operation

More Than 500 Passengers and Crew Rescued in Dramatic Greek Ferry Rescue

Heroic Coast Guard and Navy Teams Save Lives in Tense Operation

Passengers and Crew Express Gratitude for Successful Rescue

A dramatic rescue operation unfolded in the Aegean Sea today as more than 500 passengers and crew members were safely evacuated from a burning Greek ferry. The fire broke out in the engine room of the ferry, which was carrying approximately 550 people from the island of Corfu to the port of Patras. The heroic efforts of the Greek Coast Guard and Navy personnel, who worked tirelessly alongside local fishing boats and private vessels, resulted in a successful rescue operation with no reported fatalities.

Passengers and crew members have expressed their gratitude for the bravery and professionalism of the rescue teams. They described harrowing scenes as the fire spread through the vessel, filling the decks with thick smoke and panic. Many jumped into the water in a desperate attempt to escape the flames, while others huddled together on the deck, awaiting rescue.

The Coast Guard deployed multiple rescue vessels and helicopters to the scene, working in coordination with the Navy to evacuate the passengers and crew. The operation was made more challenging by strong winds and rough seas, which threatened to overturn lifeboats. Despite these difficulties, the rescue teams were able to bring everyone to safety.

The rescued passengers and crew members are now receiving medical attention and support. An investigation into the cause of the fire is underway, and authorities have praised the bravery and skill of the rescue teams who played a crucial role in saving hundreds of lives.
